A downloadable game for Windows

Jogo desenvolvido para Enchant Games Jam 2;
Está em português Brasil.

Este é um jogo de Typing no qual seu maior desafio é superar uma fobia, se me entende. Para jogar, basta digitar corretamente as letras que aparecem na tela. Você supera a fobia alcançando pelo menos 70% de precisão. A progressão é acumulativa.

Published 23 days ago
AuthorMarcio Gastaldello
TagsHorror, Typing


Elevator Phobia.zip 46 MB


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The world of this game feels alive and vibrant. I love exploring every corner of it.

This game has set a new standard for me. I'll be comparing all future games to it.

The difficulty curve is perfect, it never feels too easy or too hard.

I love the sense of freedom this game gives me, allowing me to play how I want to play.

This game has reignited my love for single-player experiences, showing me how powerful they can be.

This game has become my go-to recommendation for anyone looking for a new game to play.

I appreciate how this game respects my intelligence, challenging me without being overly difficult.

Hoping the developers keep up the good work

Overall. a fantastic job!

I also recorded my gameplay and had a blast!

Overall. a fantastic job!

 I'm eager to see where it goes from here.